VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)

Journal section "Fodder production, feeding of farm animals, and fodder technology"

Nutritive Value of Perennial Legume-Grain Grass Mixtures Depending on Plant Development Phase and Number of Harvests

Konovalova N.Y., Konovalova S.S.

Volume 6, Issue 4, 2023

Konovalova N.Yu., Konovalova S.S. (2023). Nutritive Value of Perennial Legume-grain Grass Mixtures Depending on Plant Development Phase and Number of Harvests. Agricultural and Livestock Technology, 6 (4). DOI: 10.15838/alt.2023.6.4.2 URL: http://azt-journal.ru/article/29769?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/alt.2023.6.4.2

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
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